Thursday 5 October 2017

9. Infertility in Males and Females

By JH Sayyar

Causes and Treatment
Infertility in males and females in common all over the world apparently most of the research exposes the cause of infertility is male-sperms working not well and female-ovaries working not well and it is called hormonal imbalance in medical language. 

When we say infertility is a hormonal cause it means testes do not produce hormones in male and in female irregular menses cycle creates problems for kid-production. It is also called hormonal imbalance in medical term. Its responsible is pituitary gland. Thus ovarian follicles do not release mature eggs for ovaries and in this system estrogen does not take part in ovulation process.

Main Cause of Infertility in Males and Females
Those who research on infertility in males and females forget to trace what is the main force that drives estrogen, ovulation and ovaries. Yea, it is zinc that drives sex and sex hormones in human body. 

In human body zinc plays its important working with forty enzymes. Zinc makes maintains tissues health, it nurses link making tissues in human body. If it is short in human body, other enzymes stop working properly anon as copper, magnesium, manganese and selenium all these work together with zinc thus zinc is most important for human body to prosper cells and tissues health. 

Zinc Deficiency Factors
Its deficiency does not heal wounds, children born defective, bones and cells growth stops, nervous system does not work well, sex drive lessens, hair start falling down, nails leave its proper shape and distort, for a long rime children do not born, immune system upsets, hunger flies, all types of tastes end, depression for a long time and in mother’s milk zinc becomes more. Body does not produce red cells, TB, hepatitis, viral infection and swelling in the body reveals zinc deficiency. 

In a normal human body zinc becomes 25 to 80 percent. These medicines make short zinc in human body, and be careful about these medicines while taking. (Chelatin, all types of Diuretics, contraceptive pills) zinc stops calcium poisoning in human body.

Zinc Source in Human Boy
Human body gets zinc from the food we eat and from our pancreas secretes. 

Food Sources of Zinc
More zinc is found in sea food, animal liver, kidneys and heart, milk, egg and dry fruits.

Recommended Medicines for Infertility
1. Sepia 30x 10 drops three times in a day
2. Phosphorus 30x 10 drops three times in a day
3. Aurum 30x 10 drops three times in a day
4. Vivioptal Cap: I daily after breakfast
5. Theragram Ultra one tablet daily after breakfast