Monday 16 October 2017

52. Borna Disease Virus Infection Cause and Treatment

By JH Sayyar: Medical Astrologer

Bornna disease is anew disease on earth and especially in Germany but its name is new and the disease is old or we may call it old wine in a new bottle. I have study many times the research of virus and bacteria and wondered no virus and bacteria cannot enter into human body. It is my research readers may disagree or differ with me on this matter. One this is most important that no virus and bacteria our body produces that damages human life organs.

What is Virus and Bacteria?
There are no bacteria or virus that damages human body and environment all things created by God are beneficial for human beings. There are no bacteria or virus in the universe cause diseases in human life organs. Bacteria or virus both are born in human body due to lack of minerals and vitamin cooperation in life organs. Due to no cooperation minerals and vitamins change their shape and functions in life organs are called diseases in modern or scientific term.

For example, boron, phosphorus and calcium work together and if boron finishes in bones will not store calcium and phosphorus will not distribute energy in the whole human boy. Thus gout and bone pain and different types of bone problems will start, these problem are called diseases by doctor and give them different names to horrify human beings. Lack of vitamin D in human body produces pain in bones.

This Copper, zinc and magnesium work together in human body. Anyone disappearance from the work change the chemical property in life organs cause different types of diseases and blame for bacteria or virus. For example, kidneys and liver badly affected by the deficiency of chromium and its deficiency also makes imbalance the balance of glucose in human body. 

If your copper balance upsets in human body your tongue taste will be upset, and arteries flexibility will disappear and thus brain hemorrhage occurs. All anus diseases are due to copper balance upset in human body. Brain and brain system fall prey to breakdown. Keep in mind copper work with zinc and magnesium in human body. 

Thyroxin balance in human body is due to iodine and its deficiency makes guitar in the throat and people call it disease but I call it iodine deficiency and nothing else. Iodine deficiency produces vagina cancer. Keep in mind iodine and cancer both is interlinked. On the other hand, myoglobin store oxygen in human muscles with the help of iron. In the whole human body 3 to 5 gram iron is present and one percent stays in our liver and its deficiency in liver are called jaundice. Its deficiency makes upset the cell of human brain due to which brain problems start in different shapes and doctors give it different names.

Magnesium works with phosphorus and phosphorus distributes the produced energy of foods in the whole body with the help of magnesium. The calcium balance in human body is due to magnesium and its disappearance from the body produces many kinds of horrible and less horrible diseases like Borna disease. The absence of magnesium for a long time in body causes kidney failure surely. 

Sudden death of children is due to the absence of magnesium in human body but I do not think people know it or not but I think we all must know about the functions of minerals and vitamins in human body to maintain health forever. 

Manganese is also a very important mineral that converts fat into energy to human body. It is manganese that regulates insulin in human body. Blocked growth of beard is due to lack of manganese. While molybdenum expels the fatty acids from human body and it works with hemoglobin and iron but human body never feel its deficiency till death. 

An Introduction to Borna Disease
Borna disease virus produces in human body due to dysfunctioning of old brain in old brain in old man as I have said when man grow old calcium level in bones becomes less and thus brain cell natural division upsets in human brain and in animals causes Borna disease. All human conversation becomes in our society due to balance calcium level in blood and brain. 

It is found in blood and reaches in brain through arteries carrying a little amount of calcium and vitamin D and other minerals. Any disease what the name be is due to out of balance of minerals and vitamins. 

We all must know one most important thing that there are only two working elements in human body: water and heat. Water belongs to watery elements and heat belongs to fiery elements. If heat will be less in our water will be in access amount and imbalance the whole body fluid and if the heat will be more water will be less in human body and we will feel out body hot. Fire in human body performs two functions internal combustion and digestion. It is fire that burns human toxins, virus and bacteria in our body. Fire fights with all types of diseases in our body means lack of fire or low fire means our body will be a blend of diseases in future or with the passage of time. 

As I have said that Borna disease belongs to human brain and weakens human brain system and upsets natural brain cell division and it is called Borna disease in modern term. 

One most Important Thing to Remember
Have you pondered over the meat of animal and man? Someone will say yes, and someone will say yes, but one thing is most important that every meat of man and animal does not resemble to one another…as you see, liver meat is different than kidney meat, heart meat if different than lungs meat, gall bladder meat is different than thigh meat, and thigh meat is different than tongue meat…

As we see when our meat is entirely different means its food will be separate for every part of body and our life organs produce food for all parts of human body by the help of fire and water. As we all know that someone eats something more and someone eats something less that is why, our body minerals and vitamin level becomes imbalance. 

When thus, brain cell division upsets brain power sees off delivering orders to human organ for different purposes. Think, in air what is the thing that makes air bus running? Nothing but balance that is why it is called balance is health and nothing else on earth. Four wheels have already balance but two wheels demands balance while driving on the road. 

There is nothing new under the heaven but what we call it new becomes old due to lack of knowledge. Do not be afraid of disease just try to maintain the balance of minerals and vitamins in human body. When our body minerals and vitamins lose balance thus our body fall prey to different types of diseases.

Friday 13 October 2017

51. Neurological Disorders Cause and Treatment

According to a scientific research three things make human nervous system: brain, spinal cord and nerves. Thus human nervous system controls all human beings’ spiritual, physical, psychological and all activities belong to mind and wisdom. On the other hand, human speech, thinking and moving all these activities also controlled by nervous system, even our memory and mood both are regulated by nervous system. 

When problem occurs in our nervous system these diseases may catch us easily as epilepsy, Alzeimer disease, stroke, migraine, brain tumor, cerebrovascular disease and neurological disorders. I have read on internet that millions of people are affected by nervous disorder in every country on earth. 

A Point for Consideration
Think for a awhile, two things are free all over the world and are most important for human life: air and water, why? Can anyone answer to this question? Yea! Most of the people will give its answer because it is very easy. My brothers and sister just like these two things are free for us or the gift of God for human being.

Think, like air and water, why did God put 99% calcium in human body? Air and water deficiency in human body leads human beings to death just like calcium deficiency in human body leads men to death as heart attack and neurological disorders,

The Function of Calcium in Human Body
You will wonder listening to this news that 99% calcium is present in human body. Calcium supports the whole human body as teeth, bones, nails and the human structure is made of calcium. The nervous system parts that send messages to human organs are all supported by calcium as a whole. Its severe deficiency leads to neurological disorder. 

Listen! In our bones and teeth calcium stays but it does not live in it permanently although it wastes via our urine and more perspiration as our age increases with the passage of time. 

25% calcium is present in our blood and it is supplied in our blood through our bones. If our bones are weak so our blood calcium level will decrease and thus lead and cadmium will gather in our heart and when the level of calcium will be zero at the same time heart attack occurs because calcium presence in blood expels all types of poison from human heart. 

Calcium deficiency in human body may be neglected at any cast because it the calcium that breaks blood clot in arteries it deficiency makes clot in arteries. It also works with many enzymes of human body. Its group members are boron and phosphorus. Boron collects calcium in bones and phosphorus gives it heat to make liquid to create fire for the softness of human tissues and muscles.

When neutron talks to neutron its conversation is connected by calcium through our nervous system because calcium creates flexibility in all veins and arteries and it is most important for body cells. Heart balance and human muscle system both are maintained by calcium.

Calcium Deficiency Symptoms
It in any body will calcium deficiency will be vomiting and muscles will be tense and while moving will pain because its flexibility is gone due to lack of calcium. Its deficiency makes children weak and bones bend anon very soon bones get fracture. 

Blood pressure increases and thus lead and cadmium gather in heart to award heart attack, the punishment of our negligence. If there is no vitamin d in our body calcium will not dissolve and increasing calcium will make pain in our bones. 

The Main Cause of Neurological Disorder
I have seen old men and women fall prey to neurological disorder due to lack of calcium in bones cannot supply calcium to blood and thus poison roams in arteries with blood and damages human nervous system badly. Keep in mind, healthy bones supply sufficient calcium to blood. 

I request to my readers to take calcium daily so that they could fall prey to neurological disorder in any age. We all must eat such full of calcium to maintain our whole body. 

Calcium Food Source
Raw milk, cooked kale, spinach, okra, sardine, yogurt, soybeans, white beans, broccoli, watercress, almond, salmon, rainbow trout, turnip green, orange juice, butter, rice, meat…

Recommended Medicines
1. Calcium Carbonica 30x

1. Calcium Phosphate 30x

3. Selicia 30x

4. Take one capsule of Centrum Silver Tablet daily after breakfast. 

Take five drops of each bottle and take three times in a day in half glass semi hot water. If the deficiency is severe is take 15 to 20 drops in a day three times.

Thursday 12 October 2017

50. Rectum and Anus Cancer Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

Rectum and Anus Cancer is common in USA and other European countries in males and females. It is a dangerous and painful disease. There are described many causes if it but some researchers say that its real cause is unknown but saying this is not true at any cost. According to the laws of nature that there is no smoke without fire unseen or seen there will be. Rectum and Anus Cancer appears in large intestine length is five feet and rectum eight inches long. 

Rectum is known the stool releasing point. The colon is the place where gathers stool for evacuation and disturbs colon and rectum. The apparent causes are these: constipation, not enough fiber in diet, little fluid in the intestines and slow functioning of the large intestine. Rectum and Anus Cancer is called structural disorder, anal disorder, external hemorrhoids, anal fissure, and perianal abscess and fistula. Today it is a burning problem in America 

Rectum and Anus cancer
The main cause of all types of anus or rectum diseases is the deficiency of copper in human body along with the copper working group at a time. Copper works with many enzymes of human body. First of all, it produces energy for human boy, makes skin proteins, and save the fiber of human brain. The brains arteries work soon and properly with the help of copper. It is copper that separates oxygen and hydrogen of water swallowing. It dissolves iron in human body. Hair fall is due to copper deficiency finishes the flexibility of arteries and veins. 

If any infant drinks only for six months the baby’s body lacks in copper because in milk copper becomes less and the baby falls ill anon. The main fault appears in the anus and rectum all types of anus or rectum diseases appears due to copper efficiency. Brain and brain system do not work properly. But copper works with zinc and magnesium. Therefore copper, zinc and magnesium deficiency must be in human body if someone wants to avoid nous and rectum cancer. Zinc dissolves copper in human body. 

Food Sources of Copper, Zinc and Magnesium
Copper: Dry fruits, animal heart, liver and kidneys, sea foods, mushroom, chocolate, 
Zinc: animal heart, liver and kidneys, sea foods, milk, egg and dry fruits
Magnesium: Nuts, almonds, pistachio, grains, green vegetables, and sea foods

Recommended Medicines for Anus and Rectum Cancer
1. Psyllium 30x ten drops three times in a day
2. (Azadirachta Indica, Margosa 30x ten drops three times in a day
3. Berberis Aristata 30x ten drops three times in a day
4. lachaesis 30x ten drops three times in a day

49. Diarrhea Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

Diarrhea means the continuous waste material of our food through the large intestine with loose feces from anus. Diarrhea may cause due to bacterial or viral infection. In such condition large intestine swells and produces diarrhea anon. Its main cause is when bacteria replaces gut flora from large intestine. It causes pain in anus. 

Those who have the deficiency of lactase diarrhea is common among them. It is a forceful enzyme that splits milk sugar and converts it into glucose and galactose. Diarrhea process is such when someone drinks milk and after a short time cramp starts in the belly and after this starts motion or diarrhea from anus. 

The main cause of it is this, the lactose in the milk is not broken down and it remains in human small intestine. Thus contraction increases and water cannot absorb in small intestines thus diarrhea starts at once. Gas remains in intestine and causes pain near the liver, in gallbladder, or under the diaphragm or heart. It becomes so due to gas shifting in belly. 

We may divide diarrhea into three groups: an acute diarrhea, persistent diarrhea and chronic diarrhea. Acute diarrhea remains for several hours and sometimes for many days and men go for bowel vomiting more than three times in a day. It is bloody in common term it is called dysentery Persistent diarrhea remains one week to less than four weeks but chronic diarrhea remains for one month. 

There are four different types of diarrhea: 1, when small intestine cannot absorb soluble component and the whole fluid goes into the gut is called osmotic diarrhea. When active chloride secretion goes into the bowel and the bowel at once water flows chloride ions is called secretary diarrhea. When small intestine swells it causes diarrhea is called inflammatory diarrhea. When intestine size increases and causes diarrhea in called motility diarrhea. 

Diarrhea Causes
The main cause of diarrhea is bacteria and virus that disturbs the functions of intestines, small and large reveals these symptoms as stomach pain, bloating, thirst due to losing water, and along with it weight starts losing and at the end fever prevails in the whole body. 

Since diarrhea directly links to intestines and in our intestines calcium absorbs with the help of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency causes diarrhea because calcium produces heat in human intestines with the help of vitamin D. If no calcium in intestines alone vitamin D upsets human intestines’ functions and causes diarrhea. 

Food Sources of Vitamin D and Calcium
Vitamin D: Fish oil, alfalfa, animal heart, liver and kidneys, egg, milk and sweet potato
Calcium: Cheese, yogurt, milk, dark green vegetables, raisins, orange juice, soybeans, corn flake and sardines

Recommended Medicines for Diarrhea

1. Podophyllum 30x 15 Drops three times in a day
2. Arsenicum Album 30x 15 Drops three times in a day

48. Preterm Birth Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar
Premature birth is common all over the world on this earth. The children who born before nine solar months and ten lunar months are known to medical world premature all over the world. Most commonly babies born within eight months and sometimes less than eight solar months and premature birth is called in medical language congenital anomalies. 

They are described many causes of premature births but one of the major cause if the efficiency of mineral as zinc hat controls 200 enzymes of human body and magnesium that controls 100 enzymes of human body. Some medical research tells that faulty immune system is also the cause of premature births and also infection. Some call it the deficiency of folic acid in human body is the cause of premature births. 

Premature born children may have such types of complication coming out of the womb as breathing problems, heart problems, heart problems, temperature controlling problem, gastrointestinal problems, blood problems, metabolism problems, immune system problems, cerebral problems, impaired cognitive skills, vision problems, hearing problems, dental problems, psychological problems and other chronic health issues may arise after the premature births. These are the problems that been seen among the premature born babies. 

Preterm Birth Causes
The main cause of premature birth is the deficiency of zinc group: zinc, magnesium, manganese, copper and selenium. Zinc controls more than 200 enzymes of human body. It is most important for cells growth and linking tissues. If zinc deficiency becomes in human body other minerals that work with zinc anon leave it functions as magnesium, manganese, copper and selenium. 

Its deficiency does heal wounds, Its deficiency makes birth defects as premature births and other body parts become defective in the womb. In mother’s milk zinc becomes. Growth block, no baby born for a long time, sex flies in male and females. Race to race birth defects come in babies due to zinc deficiency. 

Copper also controls many enzymes of human body. It produces energy for body and makes skin proteins and save brains fibers so that brain could work soon. When we drink water it is copper that separates oxygen from hydrogen. It dissolves iron in human body. 

It deficiency makes hard arteries and veins and more deficiency makes arteries rupture. Head becomes large of babies on birth. Brain system upsets anon send wrong messages to other body parts. But if more copper will be in body more than body need men will go in coma for a long time. Blood pressure rise anon and blood vein becomes swell and blast. 

Magnesium also controls many enzymes of human body. It is most important part of human body because it distributes phosphorus in human body. Calcium balance in human body is due to magnesium. Human body parts work better when calcium and magnesium will be balanced. Magnesium is electricity of brain system. Human body parts make its conversation with brain due to magnesium. Its deficiency make veins pale and muscles start trembling anon. If for a long time magnesium becomes less, as a result kidney fails and affects anon calcium and potassium. 

Manganese also works with enzymes and it is found in rain water, in sans according to weather, and is found in fresh sea foods. It converts fat into energy and makes active human body insulin. In alfalfa plant manganese becomes more and its deficiency makes baby defects and preterm problems. Its deficiency makes egg rotten and because it freezes blood in eggs and mother’s womb. It also produces human skeleton system and along with its deficiency makes baby defective on birth. 

Selenium also works with many enzymes of human body and it is selenium that makes muscles cells of human body. Selenium makes united red cells at any cost. It is selenium that makes accurate the process of RNA and DNA. It is selenium that expels all types of poisonous substance from human body. It is selenium that transfers energy from one place to another place in human body. 

It is selenium that makes semen germs and tissues. It is selenium that makes accurate all functions of pancreas. It is selenium that makes accurate the process of oxygen in human body and the elements that tri to upset the free oxygen of human body it kills it anon. Its force is equal to vitamin E. The enzymes that make selenium oppose all types of bacteria and virus. Red and white cells rest on selenium in human body. 

Food Sources 
Selenium: dry fruits, animal liver, heart and liver and kidneys, grains and sea foods. 
Manganese: grains, pine apple, tea, ginger, green vegetables
Magnesium: Dry fruits, grains, green vegetables, and less in meat
Copper: Dry fruits, animal heart, liver, kidney, sea foods, mushroom and chocolate

Recommended Medicines for Preterm Birth
1. Kalium Phos 30x Ten drops daily three times in day
2. Podophyllum30x Ten drops daily three times in day
3. Carbo Vegetabilis 30x Ten drops daily three times in day
4. Opium 30x Ten drops daily three times in day

47. Tuberculosis Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

Tuberculosis is a common disease all over the world in males and females. Tuberculosis enters into human lungs to due mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is travelling diseases. It affects while travelling one person to another person. It directly attacks human throat and lungs. In this first of all human immune system becomes inactive and sometimes mouthful blood vomiting appears. 

Immune system is the defensive system of human body. Immune system defensive cells remain in the blood white cells almost 35% to 45%. These cells are prepared by the lymph nodes of human body. These cells fight against mild or chronic infection with their full might. They remain united with the help of blood clots and prevent human blood from wastage. 

Our bone marrow prepares human body red and white cells and when any type of infection attacks human body as a result our bone marrow prepare more white cells to kill infection. Otherwise its quantity remains zero in human body if there is no attack on our body parts. 

But if human immune system fails to attack bacteria it spreads in lungs or the other parts of human body. It also attacks human chest and damages pulmonary artery and starts coughing with blood slowly and slowly. Tuberculosis attacks more on the upper lobes of the lungs than the lower lobes of the lungs. 

TB symptoms mostly may be seen in the tuberculosis, weight loss, loss of appétit, blood with cough, fatigue, fever, night and sweat. 

Tuberculosis Causes
The main cause of TB or tuberculosis is bacteria attacks on the lungs. It is due to more Mercury level in human body that damages human central part of brain, immune system and cell membranes. When minerals become excessive in human body, first of all human body chemical groups upset and its reactions create poison and damages lungs and other parts of human body. 

For example, aluminum works with magnesium, arsenic works with selenium, iodine, calcium, zinc, vitamin C, sulpher and amino acid. Cadmium works with zinc, calcium, calcium, vitamin C and D sulpher and amino acid. Lead works with zinc, iron, calcium, Vitamin E & C and sulpher and amino acid. Mercury works with selenium, Vitamin Cm peptin and sulpher and amino acid.

If someone any of the five minerals uses more in diet or via doze, the mineral we use more expel other minerals from human body. Minerals repair human body breakage and expel all types of poison from human body and save human body from all types of diseases causes by bacteria or virus attack. Keep in mind, magnesium controls 100 enzymes of human body and zinc controls 200 enzymes of human body. From these two minerals you may know the importance of minerals in human body.

My humble readers must know that in human works electric light system works the same as works in our home electricity. Now I tell you that in human body two system works to create electricity ions and cations. Ion is a group of electric atoms. Ions have positive charge on their body and anions have negative charge on their body. 

In human body, Magnesium, sodium, potassium and hydrogen represent cations and bicarbonate, chloride and phosphate represent anions in human body. One group caries positive charge and the other group carry negative charge to produce energy for human body organs. Bicarbonate makes accurate human stomach and restores all acids of human body and keeps balance. In human body chloride maintain the balance of water and phosphate maintains energy system in human body. 

Recommended Medicines for TB
1. Calcarea Carbonica 200x Ten drops three times in a day
2. Beta Vulgarus 200x Ten drops three times in a day
3. Axcalyfa Indica 200x Ten drops three times in a day
4. Bacillinum Buenette 200x Ten drops three times in a day

46. Stroke Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

Stroke is a dangerous disease and is common in males and females all over the world. Stroke is most dangerous because when oxygen rich blood dos not reach in brain cells as a result brain cells start dying anon and men die within few minutes. 

Or sometimes sudden bleeding causes brain stroke and men die due to brain cells death. Sometimes it is called brain attack In medical language. The brain cells that die without oxygen the cells that control human body activities do not give any message to our body organs and as a result human body muscles and abilities die for ever. Sometimes memory cells die and memory finishes. 

Types of Stroke
There are three main types of stroke: Ischemic stroke affects brain arteries and blocks it or makes them narrow and in such condition blood flow becomes difficult and brain cell die slowly and slowly. With the passage of time blood clots block arteries going to brain. Slowly and slowly more clots appear in the brain arteries and blood flow stops. 

Hemorrhagic stroke is also dangerous because in such stroke brain arteries become leak or burst suddenly. More blood flow increases in the arteries and due to no flexibility the arteries burst and as a result brain cells damage in the middle of the brain. 

Transient ischemic stroke makes blood supply blocks due to dead slow blood flow due to blood clots or narrow arteries. Such type of stroke become for a short time informing about future brain damage. It may be cured with proper medication. 

Stroke Causes
The main cause of stroke is the deficiency of calcium, oxygen and phosphorus in brain cell. The first of all water from cells disappears due to more heat in the body and after this the liquid dries of arteries and veins and thus flexibility of the arteries and veins finishes and the arteries and veins become heart. As a result whenever blood circulation becomes fast and more blood flow crosses from the dried arteries the arteries blast anon or leaks at once. 

It does so due to the deficiency of calcium is three pounds in human body. All types of human conversation rest on calcium and on the other hand calcium works with other body fluid permanently and calcium remains in soft tissues of human body. In our blood becomes calcium that is supplied through human bones to expel poison from oxygen rich blood. When calcium works with other minerals of human body it means to melt clots in the arteries. 

Neuron to neuron conversation is made via calcium and it makes flexible brain arteries with the help of phosphors in brain. Calcium deficiency makes human muscles hard and inflexible and brain system and muscles functions upset anon. On the other hand, when in human blood calcium becomes less heart problems starts and when calcium level in blood will be on zero level as a result lead and cadmium both are poison gathers in human heart and thus heart failure occurs. 

To absorb calcium in human body vitamin D is must. If in human body vitamin D will not be. Calcium will not absorb and thus its presence in human body becomes useless. On the other hand in bones, without boron calcium will not store in bones. 

Food Source of Calcium
Dairy products, meats, and seafood are excellent sources of calcium. Spinach, beet greens, beans, and peanuts are among the best plant-derived sources. 

Recommended Medicines for Stroke
1. Opium 30x Ten drops daily three times in a day
2. Pituitrinum 30x Ten drops daily three times in a day
3. Crataegus 30x Ten drops daily three times in a day
4. Kali brom 30x Ten drops daily three times in a day

Tuesday 10 October 2017

45. Suicide Trends Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

Suicide trends mean the act of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally. Why do people commit suicide? It is a mystery for the whole world. But those who research on suicide trends blame psychiatric disorder, drug abuse, mental illness, traumatic brain injury, hopelessness, socio-economic problems, suicide notes and war veterans for suicidal trends. 

There is no age problem in suicide case because every person may commit suicide in any age as the research exposes the mystery. Suicide causes may be different but the real cause becomes the same in every suicide maker, I will discuss the real cause of suicide with arguments in detail in the upcoming paragraph. Research shows that in every country suicidal trends are present more or less. 

Suicide Trends Causes
Now I try to expose the mystery of Suicide trends in plain words for laymen. The seed of good and evil in raw shape is present in human body. These are lurking in genes and are called future human trends. The raw genes have countless traits within it. 

When they are transferred in children through parents they start growing like tree leaves in the social environment and with the passage of time many traits mature and many traits remain in raw shape but mature without their physical demonstration in physical world. When the mature raw shape traits in human body contact with the social atmosphere that be according to its nature the atmosphere tunes the hidden traits of human body good or evil. 

Thus human character builds in society. That is why, it is said character is fate and fate is destiny and destiny lies in genes. 

The same is the case with the people who makes suicide. Those who make suicide in their genes present suicidal trends in raw shape when the same trend frequency outside the human body contact with the same trend hidden in the body the trend charges at once. For example, if a holy man a holy group he finds the same energy spreading around him his soul will be happy. 

If he joins a evil group his soul will be unhappy and he will leave the group because the evil trend cannot charge his energy because their frequency is different. Negative energy charges negative energy and positive energy charges positive energy is a law of nature. That is why, it is said environment leaves its effect and change human beings. 

Those who make suicide within their minds the immature trends present and when they find the same atmosphere they charge their suicidal trends. The same formula is applied those who say truth cannot make lie and those who make lie cannot say truth. 

The same formula is applied for disease; if many germs are spread in the space all cannot fall ill according to law of nature. If you spread TB Germs in atmosphere it will affect the persons who have the same raw germ in body and other persons will not affect it is a solid fact. 

Suicide Trends Process
Man is a puppet between negative and positive trends and these trends are hidden in men’s brain. Both the trends are controlled by supreme reason. When negative trends control completely human brain, first darkness prevails on the reason screen and man becomes blind spiritually and physically and in such condition men make suicide. 

Such people die spiritually and physically before making suicide. It is sure. The recommended medicines have the quality to change the negative trends into positive trends. 

Recommended Medicines for suicide
1. Aurum Met 200x Five drops once in a day
Natrum Sulph 200x Five drops once in a day
3. Psorinum 200x Five drops once in a day
4 Staphisagria 200x Five drops once in a day

44. Pneumonia Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

Pneumonia is a common disease in USA and other European countries in males and females. Pneumonia affects human lungs due to bacteria entering into the lungs thus human lungs swell and the sacks that carry oxygen from the lungs also swell. Its nature is serious may human being to death. It is danger for old and young, children and babies. The main job of Pneumonia is to impair immune systems anon. It directly attacks human immune systems. 

There are two factors that cause Pneumonia in human lungs impairing immune systems, Immune system is human body powerful force that repulses all types of viral and bacterial attacks. Our body system immune system sends at once its army the white cells to attack Pneumonia but the sacks become full of fluid and pus thus Pneumonia spreads in human lungs. There are three types of Pneumonia 1, Bacterial Pneumonia, 2, Viral Pneumonia, 3, Fungal Pneumonia. 

Bacterial Pneumonia is the production Bacteria and it appears in summer and in autumn. It is due to weak immune system of human body. Viral Pneumonia becomes due to respiratory syncytial virus. It also damages lungs badly soon. Fungal Pneumonia becomes due to fungal infection and it is the Fungal Pneumonia that attacks USA peoples every year. Pneumonia may reveal these symptoms: fast heartbeat, chest pain, dry cough, muscle ache, trembling, chest pain and difficult breathing. 

Pneumonia Causes 
The main cause of Pneumonia is weak immune system of human body. Lymphocytes system of human body is called immune system. It is the system that fights against any bacterial or virus attack on human organs inside the body. Immune system for 35 to 45 percent lives in the human body white cells. 

These white cells unite themselves through blood clot. On the other hand, bone marrow also produces white cells if any attack becomes on life organs. If any infection or viral or bacterial attack danger appears bone marrow produces more white cells otherwise not. On the other hand zinc controls lymphocytes system and reproduces immune system to save human body from any viral or bacterial attack. 

Food Sources of Zinc
Animal liver, mushroom, spinach, sea vegetables, yeast, meat, peas, yogurt,
1. Coryllus Avelana
2. Grindalia Robusta
3. Strophantus
4. Ribes Nigrum

43. Influenza Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

Influenza or flu is common in USA and other countries in males and females. Let us see what influenza is. According to dictionary: influenza means a highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages causing fever, severe aching, catarrh, and often occurring in epidemics…influenza is a viral infection and this infection directly attacks human respiratory. 

System; nose, throat and lungs anon and it does so due to weak immune system. Immune system means the organs and processes of the body that provide resistance to infection and toxins. Organs include the thymus, bone marrow, and lymph nodes.

To boost HA and NA antibodies must present in our body to save body from any virus or bacterial attack. Virus attacks human cell system entering into the body cells and breaks it natural working order anon due to lack of antibodies that prepares human lymphocytes system, lymphocytes 35 to 45 percent remain in the white cells of human blood. It is prepared by lymph nodes in human body. They fight against virus and bacteria. It is called immune system of human body or the protective system human body. They remain unite due to blood clotting. 

Influenza Causes
Human immune system rests on bone marrow. Bone marrow works the function of demand and supply. It prepares mire red cells but if any virus attacks in human body it prepares anon more and white cells to fight against virus or bacteria. On the height bone marrow produces more and more red cells. In bone marrow, there remains a cell that maintains supply and goes in blood stream with the help of a hormone. Bone marrow is found in our chest bone and hip bones. 

On the other hand zinc is also most important for human body because it controls forty enzymes of human body. Zinc is an essential part of human cells that is called nuclei and within one nucleus presents one lakh genes. In human body many immune systems belong to zinc, and especially children’s immune system affects anon with the deficiency of zinc. 

Zinc controls lymphocytes and makes regular on daily basis, it prepares DNA photocopy, it distributes cells and reproduces immune system in human body. And the most important and secret function of zinc is to protect human body against all types of virus and bacterial infection of throat nose and mouth mixing in our spit. 

Food Sources of Zinc 
Animal liver, mushroom, spinach, sea vegetables, yeast, meat, peas, yogurt, 

Recommended Medicines for Influenza
1. Gelsemium 30x Ten drops daily three times in a day
2. Baptisia 30x Ten drops daily three times in a day
3. Byronia 30x Ten drops daily three times in a day

42. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

Chronic respiratory disease in males and females is common in USA and other countries. It is the disease that damages lungs. Falling in this disease the person breaths with difficulty and the lungs cannot inhale oxygen easily for body supply. 

The main function of our lungs is to inhale air for body cells because human body cells cannot work without oxygen. Chronic respiratory disease is also called asthma. The lungs inhale oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. From the lungs red cells get oxygen from the lungs and disperse it in the whole body via blood circulation. When human lungs cannot inhale oxygen it is called chronic respiratory disease or asthma in medical term. 

In asthma bronchial tube becomes red and inflamed and along with it the muscles become tight due to which air cannot move freely in the lungs. Thus breathing becomes difficult. 

Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease Causes
There may be many causes of asthma or chronic lower respiratory disease but selenium and magnesium deficiency is one of the major causes in the lungs trouble. Magnesium is most important for human body. It makes phosphorus ion and sends forward that produces powerful energy for body. 

Calcium level in body is maintained by selenium and human muscles work properly due to magnesium. Its deficiency blocks human breath and sudden death may be. On the other hand selenium is also most important for human body because it expels poison from human body and it maintains human muscles cell health. 

It is selenium that provides energy to every human cell. It works with free oxygen. Selenium deficiency means oxygen deficiency. Its deficiency affects our lungs. 

Selenium and Magnesium Food Sources
All fry fruits, all gains, all vegetables, animal liver, heart and kidneys. 

Recommended Medicines for Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease
1. Anti-amoniatart 200
2. Quebrocho Qx
3. Acalyfa 30x
4. Amylenum Nitrosum 30x

41. Alzheimer’s Disease Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

Alzheimer's disease is common in USA in males and female and I was told by my friend Anny to prescribe its treatment and some solid causes in an email. Her mother has got Alzheimer’s disease for many years. I dedicate this article to my friend Anny’s mother with my whole heart. 

The other name of Alzheimer's disease is dementia. It is its technical name or medical name famous among the doctors. Alzheimer's disease means a loss of mental ability and the death of brain cells automatically. If Alzheimer's disease catches the brain first it shrinks human brain in its result fewer tissues remain and fewer verve cells remain that do become enough for thinking process. On the other hand the natural link between the brain tissues and nerve cells breaks. 

Those who fall in this disease forget things and information, events and appointments. One of the major defects is to lose decision power and visualization. Sudden behavior change is also the symptom of Alzheimer's disease and along with it appears eye sight problems. 

Human brain has 100 billion cells and all are connected with one another for communication purpose. And more there are group of cells working in human brain to perform different jobs as thinking, learning and remembering…human being’s five senses are controlled by brain cells groups. For proper brain cells running oxygen and energy both are must. 

Owing to less or no supply brain cells die. Scientists blame plagues and tangles for brain cells death. Both make wall inside and outside the cells that hinders communication among the cells. In short dementia symbolizes the loss of cognitive functions…as thinking, remembering and reasoning…all life activities.

Alzheimer's Disease Causes
The main cause of Alzheimer's disease is the deficiency of calcium in blood and in a man three pound calcium is present. Calcium nature is heat that keep blood veins and arteries soft and flexible twenty four hours. It is calcium that makes brain cells communication easy with one another in the whole body. Calcium stays in bones and soft tissues of whole body. 

Brain cells are called neurons and neuron to neuron communication is due to calcium. It is calcium that makes flexible brain nerves for easy communication and blood flow. It is most important for brain cells. It maintains all heart functions and muscles system of the whole body. Its deficiency shows increasing poison of lead and cadmium in heart and when calcium level comes on zero level heart attacks occur anon. To absorb calcium vitamin D is must. 

Food Sources of calcium
All green vegetables, egg yolk, fish, bones soup, all dairy products, 

Recommended Medicines for Alzheimer's Disease
1. Abcinthium 6x Ten drops daily three times in a day
2. Adrenalinium 6x Ten drops daily three times in a day
3. Gelsenium Sempervrens 6x Ten drops daily three times in a day
4. Chewcall Two tablet s daily

Monday 9 October 2017

40. Ischemic Heart Disease Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

Ischemic Heart disease is common all over the world especially in USA and Israel in males and females. When less oxygen is supplied to human heart muscles via iron is called ischemic Heart disease and oxygen deficiency to heart leads men to death anon and it is called heart attack in modern term. 

Whatever be the cause of ischemic Heart disease, it is sure that the body system that supplies oxygen to heart does not work properly and second cause is that arteries become hard due to lack of calcium level in human arteries and veins. In such condition when cholesterol level increases in blood and sticks to arteries walls in makes hard and narrow thus blood flow affects and fresh oxygen cannot reach into heart and man dies anon.

If heart arteries block due to narrowness it creates chest pain that is called angina pain spreading in shoulders, arms, jaws and back. After this heart occurs due to low flow of blood in heart arteries blocked or narrow due to hardness in arteries and sticking plague on the arteries walls. It is just the lack of calcium level in human blood and nothing else. If our heart does not get sufficient oxygen it does not pump and heart fails due to no pumping and man dies. 

Coronary arteries supply blood to human heart they become hard due to lack of calcium that makes arteries flexible and they become hard and the blood supply to heart muscle and thus the heart stops. It is called heart attack in medical term. 

Now I tell you something human heart and its function in plain words: Heart is a human fist size muscles and its function is to disperse blood in the whole body on the power of muscles pumping. Muscles power failure is the death of human heart. 

In one minute human heart makes 70 beats. The right side of human heart release blood in lungs to pick up oxygen via blood to come back in heart and from here heart spreads it in arteries of the whole body via arteries are spreading in the whole body like the branches of a tree. The fresh blood full of oxygen comes back via veins not via arteries. It is called blood circulation. 

Ischemic Heart Disease Causes
The main cause of ischemic Heart disease is calcium deficiency in blood because calcium makes flexible arteries and veins and soft tissues and muscles of hearts and other muscles of human body. Calcium in human is present at least three pounds. 

It is calcium that helps in expanding and contracting human muscles, especially of heart and all heart functions are controlled by calcium. Calcium nature is heat. Calcium is a common term for lime (choona in Urdu). It creates energy for heart and heart muscles for proper functions of human body. Calcium heat keeps muscles of human body and all body tissues and heart muscles, arteries and veins soft. Calcium deficiency symbolizes heart muscles power failure and arteries and veins become hard and lost flexibility bit by bit and with it sticking cholesterol makes hear walls more hard and narrow. Vitamin D deficiency is also the deficiency of calcium because it is vitamin D that absorbs calcium in human body. 

Calcium Food Sources
Egg yolk, fish, all green vegetables, bone soup, all dairy product. With calcium vitamin D must take to absorb calcium in body. 

Recommended Medicines for ischemic Heart disease
1. Adinisvernalis 6x Ten drops three times in a day
2. Ammonium Casticum 6x Ten drops three times in a day
3. Iberris Ammara 6x Ten drops three times in a day
4. Quebrocho Qx Ten drops three times in a day

39. Hyperlipidemia Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

Hyperlipidemia is common in Israel among males and females. One of my Hebrew friends Aviva emailed me to write something on hyperlipidemia and how we can prevent it. My friend Aviva I dedicate this article to you. 

My friend Aviva, hyperlipidemia symbolizes increasing fat level in our blood stream and it is called high level cholesterol in modern language. The natural level of cholesterol in our blood is 3.37 (mmol/L). Increasing and decreasing in the level of cholesterol causes heart attack. Lipid means fat and fat technical name is lipid increases in our blood it hardens our blood arteries. 

It means the process that melts fat in body is inactive. The fat inside the arteries sticks to the arteries thus blood supply to heart affects anon and human heart cannot get enough oxygen mixing blood and heart dies. Chronic diabetes and kidney disease and pregnancy may cause hyperlipidemia. 

These are the major symptoms of high level of lips in blood: when chest or angina pain starts, while walking cramping one or both calves, sore on the toes that do not heal. Lipoproteins clear away excessive cholesterol from the blood arteries. There are some foods that increases cholesterol in blood vessels as milk, red meat, all dairy products, oil and oil made things. 

Cause of High Level Cholesterol
Chromium is the main element of cholesterol metabolism in human body. It is a mineral and its main function is to level cholesterol level in blood. Chromium makes DNA blocks and is found in every cell of human body according to genetics. 

Chromium Deficiency Result
Chromium missing in body represents diabetes, high level blood cholesterol, along with anxiety increases, focus less attention, decreasing sperms, depression, fatigue, hyperactivity, hyper-insulinemia, hyperirritability, obesity and infertility

Food Source of Chromium
Chromium is found in these vegetables and fruits: Skimmed milk powder, brown sugar, peas, soybeans, beef, oysters, spinach, brown lentils, lamb, sweat corn, chicken, potato, egg yolk, cheese, calf liver, grape juice, whole wheat bread, honey, chicken legs, apples, parsnips, bananas, carrots, almond, pistachio and nuts.

Recommended Medicines for Hyperlipidemia
Chromium 6x Five drops three times in a day
Coq10 (ubiquinone) 100mg One cap daily
Lecithin 6x Five drops three times in a day
Vitamin E 6x Five drops three times in a day

38. Peptic Ulcer Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

Peptic ulcer is common all over the world in males and females. It is considered very dangerous due to stomach problem the most important element of human body that digests the whole foods.

Peptic ulcer or stomach ulcer both are the same thing. Peptic ulcer means: stomach acidity burns the stomach layer and makes a hole in the layer with the force of increasing acidity. Gastric acidity attacks either stomach or duodenum. The first is called gastric ulcer and the second is called duodenum ulcer. Gastric is found in stomach and duodenum ulcer is found in duodenum, in the beginning of small intestines. Both are called peptic ulcer.

Human stomach is found on the left side of the upper abdomen and it is a muscular organ. Human stomach receives food from esophagus and via esophagus the food enters into the stomach. Entering the food into stomach the stomach starts releasing acids and enzymes to digest food. At the same time our stomach starts the act of expanding and contracting to crush food. After crushing the food in a better way and after this the pyloric sphincter opens its gate to pass food from stomach to small intestines. 

The small intestines is a along serpentine tube running from the stomach to the anus. Hard foods are crushed in small intestines with the help of water. The small intestines length is 20 feet and its diameter is one inch. The main function of small intestine is to absorb foods. On the other hand, large intestine is 5 feet long and its diameter is 3 inches. It absorbs water from the waste and creating stool. 

Peptic Ulcer Causes

There may be many causes of peptic ulcer but one of the main causes is the deficiency of vitamin E. Vitamin absorbs with fat and stores in our liver. Alpha, beta, gamma, delta, tocopherol, tocotrienol, all these perform their own biochemical function in human body. Among these most active is alpha form. 

Vitamin E Benefits
Vitamin E releases free radicals that produce energy for body, it fight against infection of any type, it purifies our body from pollution as cigarette smoke, when free radical try to damage our body it protects our body anon, it expels poisonous substance from body, vitamin E helps vitamin A and C when any disease attacks our mouth, throat, gallbladder, glands, and cancer 

it is vitamin E that stops their attacking on our body. It keeps active our immune system active and to protect our skin it help vitamin C. It protects our brain from the ultraviolet rays coming to earth from the sun, it makes red cells and it restores our productive system. 

Vitamin E Deficiency Problems
Most of the people do not take vitamin E in routine life thus in their body vitamin E lessens. It is most important for our digestive system because it digests food. Thus many problem appear in human body as piles, fistula…some persons cannot digest fat reveals vitamin E deficiency in body. To absorb vitamin E needs fat. 

Vitamin E deficiency shows red cells deficiency, anemia, upset immune system, tearing eyes, muscles cramp, jerking in body, liver and pancreas problems, no child birth, sudden abortion and fault in uterus. 

Food Source of Vitamin E
Vegetable, oil, soybean, sunflower oil, dark green leafy vegetables, spinach, egg yolk, almond, animal liver, heart and kidney, olive oil, papaya, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, all grains.

Recommended Medicines for peptic Ulcer
1. Graphites 30x Five drops three times in a day
2. Phosphorus 30x Five drops three times in a day
3. Carbo Veg 30x Five drops three times in a day

37. Lung and Chest Cancer Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

Lung and chest cancer are common in all over the world but in the third world countries it ratio is high than the advanced countries. It leads men and women to death. Cancer means: diving itself human body cells automatically ignoring natural cell division and all brain commands sent via electric signals to the cells. Thus they attack the surrounding cells of human body. Thus lung and chest cancer spread in human bodies different parts and damages the life organs that produce energy for human body. 

Cell system in human body thus human body grows cells and the produced cells form new cells according to body need. There is also a system working in human body of which job is to replace old and damaged cell with the new and fresh cells for body proper functions. 

When in any part of human body natural cells division system fails so the cells grow out of natural system and damages the body part in which they grow. Thus the damaged cells makes a pile in any part of body it is called tumors may be anywhere in the body but in blood cancer and leukemia cancer tumors do not form. It is the process of lung and chest cancer in human body. 

Lung and Chest Cancer
When the cells division of lung becomes upset it is called lung cancer. The function of lungs in human body is to inhale fresh oxygen for body and releases carbon dioxide while exhaling this system continues twenty four hours in human body. When cancer attacks on lungs the natural system of inhaling and exhaling upsets and leaves its proper function. 

The same process is for chest caner in human body and the same formula is applied for the parts of cancer in human body is called unnatural cell division in human body is called lung and chest cancer

Lung and chest cancer Causes
The main cause of lung and chest cancer in human body is the absence of vitamin Q10 in human body. Neither can we get it from vegetables nor from fruits or any other thing. It is produced by our body within the body according to natural laws. 

It is found more in liver, pancreases and kidneys. It saves cells and DNA from the damage of free radicals. DNA damage is the main cause of cancer in any part of human body. It saves heart from all types of disease and protects all types of HIV diseases. 

It is most useful for ATP and it is a substance that produces energy for our body cells. For example it is Q10 that provides energy for heart twenty for hours. These days it is used for heart attack, pressure on muscles, blocked heart veins, high blood pressure and the major function of Q10 is that it does let not make cancer cells in human body. 

Q10 Benefits for Human Body
It provides energy for all cells of human body; it expels poisonous effects from body. It makes active our immune system, and protects vitamin E, it blocks making abnormal cancer cells in any part of human body, it corrects kidney failure system, it is Q10 that unites blood sugar level, it makes heart function forceful, and widens heat vein and arteries, it cleans four heart walls, it saves men from heart attack, It is Q10 that makes cholesterol level in accurate in blood. 

It makes all brain functions active; it is useful for allergy, Parkinson’s disease, and asthma. It releases gas from our stomach and it makes small intestines ulcer. It creases sperms and age. It is Q10 that fights against aids. 

Food Source for Q10
Animal Meat, heart, kidneys, liver, fish, grains, spinach and soybean
Note: We store any one of the things above mentioned it flies from that thing. 

Recommended Medicines for lung and chest cancer
1. Silicea 6x Five drops three times in a day
2. Conium 6x Five drops three times in a day
3. Condurango 6x Five drops three times in a day
4. Arsenicum 6x Five drops three times in a day

36. Weak Learning Process in Children; Why? Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

Weak learning process in children is common in every country and at every home. Every mother wants to improve her children’s learning process fast from the cradle but it does not so with all the children some children make better their learning process soon and some children cannot do so. Why does it so? Nobody peeps through the curtain what is missing behind the scene. 

Weak learning process in children rests on inborn ability of children that she/he gets from her mother. It is called intelligence. Intelligence means the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. Neither intelligence is inherited nor can it be bought or produced by any means. 

It is the gift of God for man on earth. First of all it was awarded to the Holy Prophets on earth, after this it was allotted to the holy people on earth and on the third level it was given to common children from the cradle. In the upcoming paragraph I will tell my readers what is true intelligence on which children process rests on. Now I tell the readers where it lives, tea, it lives in human brain. 

Brain is made of cells and inside the cells work neurons and among the neurons electricity runs to connect each neuron to other neuron. Now here lies a question what is the power or soul that generates energy for neurons in brain and it is the base of learning process and intelligence in children. 

Brain develops within three weeks after pregnancy. There are three major parts of brain,1. Brain stem connects to the spinal cord to the upper brain that controls natural activities of human life organs, 2. The cerebrum its position is above the brain stem and cerebrum and it controls memory and learning process from the very beginning, 3. Cerebral cortex that controls decision and planning of human being…

Hindrances in Learning Process
‘Weak Learning Process in Children’ causes may involve these five major problems. The first problem is to forget something after learning in the classroom or at home. The second problem is attention fault in which the children cannot pay full attention to studies or anything else in routine life. The third problem is floating active memory in which children forget what she/he needs at the nick of time. The fourth problem is to forget links between the stored information in memory. The fifth problem is what to suggest at the nick of time to solve any problem in practical life. 

Weak Learning Process in Children Causes
The main cause of weak learning process in children is nothing else but iron deficiency in human blood. Iron is found in every cell of human body. It carries oxygen with the help of proteins I mean hemoglobin. There is 4 grams iron in a person. Iron reaches in our body through animal meat and dairy products. Iron is a molecule of hemoglobin and carries oxygen for red cells and releases red cells in blood. It gets oxygen from our lungs but red cells carry oxygen due to iron. 

If in our body iron will be less, oxygen will reach in our body less. Besides myoglobin is an important part of iron. Myoglobin provides oxygen to the muscles cells and especially to the heart muscles and thus it produces energy for muscles cells and heart muscles. 

Iron Deficiency Reveals:
Iron deficiency reveals no new red cells preparation in our body, oxygen is less in our body, no power will be in muscles, it exposes the mystery of weakness, attention poor, hair falling, headache, heavy head, nails brittles, and in children learning process retards anon. It is the secret of ‘weak learning process in children.’

Blood Deficiency Process
First iron flies from our body slowly and slowly and after this our body uses stored iron to run the process of blood when it ends so in new red cells hemoglobin ends and thus a few red cells prepares our body and thus blood deficiency occurs in our body. 

Food Source of Iron
Meat, poultry products, fish, 

Recommended Medicines for Iron Deficiency
1. Aciticum Acidum 3x Five Drops three times in a day
2. Aurum Mellatlicum 3x Five Drops three times in a day
3. Benzolium 3x Five Drops three times in a day
Medusa 3x Five Drops three times in a day

35. Liver Poisoning Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

Liver poisoning is seen common in males and females all over the world. Most of the people and doctors call it jaundice; fellow fever, liver failure or dying liver but actually all these diseases of liver is due to liver poisoning due to phosphorus deficiency in human body. Liver poisoning is the root of all diseases of blood and blood related organs. 

People blame alcohol for all liver problems but it is not a correct concept. Human body is most strong but when human body chemistry upsets men fall in different types of diseases. The diseases may be produce in our liver are these and ponder over the nature of disease and the law of disease; Law of diseases is when human soul falls ill man becomes ill anon. Those who are ill or any under disease is spiritually dead and their souls are ill. It is law of health diseases on earth. All liver diseases are the product of liver poisoning in the liver.

Hepatitis A: It is said that it spreads via contaminated food and water among men and women.
Hepatitis B: It is said that it spreads via exchange of semen, blood or vaginal secretion from mother to baby.
Hepatitis C: It is said that it spreads from blood contact to blood contact.
Hepatitis D: It is said that it spreads from infected needles and blood transfusion.
Actually hepatitis is a liver swelling or inflammation of the liver due to hepatitis virus as we all know every this purified by heat when phosphorus will be less in our body hepatitis virus will increase in our liver. Liver swelling means phosphorus deficiency in human blood and liver.

Human liver is an important gland that gets food full of purified blood from small intestines through hepatic artery. Liver performs many functions as it filter harmful substances from the blood, it stores minerals vitamin A, D, K, B12, it synthesizes proteins, it produces bile for our digestive system, it maintains blood and glucose level in human blood, it produces 80% cholesterol for human body that is most important, it converts glucose into glycogen, it decomposes red cells, it synthesizes plasma proteins, it produces hormones, it produces urea for our urine.

Liver poisoning causes may be many but one of the major causes is the deficiency of phosphorus in human blood. Phosphorus is the ion of internal and external fluids of our body. Phosphorus controls many enzymes activities in body. It controls IRNA, DNA and makes lipids block and makes the structure of bones in our body and controls osmosis pressure. 

In our digestive system it absorbs calcium and in our endocrine system it works with vitamin D. It regulates red cells and controls all types of muscles movements. It is the most important part of our teeth and bones and in our immune system it works with cellular fluids but on the other hand in metabolism it produces energy and expels all poisonous waste from the liver. Its deficiency leads to liver failure or liver poisoning.

Food Source of Phosphorus
Fishes, dairy products, animal liver, meat, sunflower, groundnuts, grains, cheese, wheat, chocolate, bone soap.

Recommended Medicines for Liver Poisoning
1. Chelidonium Majus: 30x Ten drops three times in a day
2. Phosphorus 30x Ten drops three times in a day
3. Arsenicum Album 30x Ten drops three times in a day
4. Cascara Saragrada 30x Ten drops three times in a day

34. Rectal Bleeding Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

Rectal bleeding is common problem all over the world in males and females. First of all, keep in mind, bleeding from mouth, nose or anus means problem in the small intestines are not working well they are in trouble while crushing hard foods. As we know that hard food is crushed in our small intestines and light foods are crushed in our large intestines. It is chlorine excess in body that upsets our blood level in the whole body. 

Rectal bleeding or anal bleeding or anus bleeding all shows the same problem of bleeding from our anus or rectum. Somebody blames rectal bleeding for stubborn constipation or hard stool like stone. Keeping this cause in mind the question floats on the mind screen what are the factors that make stools hard. It is chlorine excess in our blood and nothing else. 

Whatever causes people present of rectal bleeding are true but the main problem becomes fluorine excess in human blood and thus in blood spreads chlorine poison and it is blood that roams everywhere in human body. Thus chlorine poisoning swells rectum veins and when blood pressure increases in the swelled rectum veins it bleed anon. 

Rectal bleeding may get different names as hemorrhoids, piles, anus bleeding, fistula or any other name may be…but is the a clear cut excess of chlorine in human blood that increases blood pressure in varicose veins in the legs and when blood pressure increases in the anus side veins it blasts at once and bleeding starts. People recall anal bleeding in these terms…anal fissure, proctitis, crohn’s disease, diverticulosis, ulcerative colitis, angiodysplasia, rectal trauma and colon cancer. 

Rectal Bleeding Causes
The main cause of bleeding from rectum or anus is the excess of chlorine in human blood and nothing else. Chlorine is found in human cellular fluids and it is most important part of digestive system. It is also the main part of hydrochloride without it foods cannot be digested. Chlorine maintains osmosis pressure and balances acid in human stomach so that liver may work properly. It expels waste products from our stomach and permits chloride ion‘s coming and going easily. Besides it maintains blood PH level. 

Chlorine works in our body as electrolyte and generates hydrochloric acids with the help of hydrogen. It is the acid that breaks proteins in the stomach and digests other minerals as vitamin B12 and it travels from small intestines into our blood and maintains extra cellular fluids in our body. Glands and hormones secrete secretion with the help of chlorine and it purifies human blood from the poison of fat from blood. Chlorine provides electric current with the help of Sodium and Potassium. Its deficiency may lead our life to a serious danger as death. 

Chlorine Poisoning
When in our blood chlorine will be in excess so first of all our throat makes pains and becomes to breathe and in our lungs fluids dry, out skin turns pink, and our blood level upsets and with stools comes blood and it is called rectum bleeding or anal bleeding and it is the main cause of anal bleeding. Its standard doze is 100mg daily for adult men. 

Recommended Medicines for Rectal Bleeding
1. Ratanhia 30x Ten drops three times in a day
2. Paeonia Ten drops three times in a day
3. Sedum Acre Ten drops three times in a day
4. Aesculus Ten drops three times in a day