Sunday 8 October 2017

28. Birth Defects in Children Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

Birth defects in children are common all over the world and it is a mystery for the parents and the scientists why does so when pregnancy occurs in the womb. What are the factors that make natural product faulty or damage it in the uterus. We may call it a production fault. 

One thing is clear that there is something missing that makes infant faulty in womb. The process of Birth defects in children happens when a baby starts developing in the mother body. Within the three months of pregnancy faults appear in the baby body. 

It is a solid fact that God does not create any faulty thing or creature in His Kingdom. Neither God has created anything futile on the earth. T is our mistake we cannot follow nature but try to live away from nature. As we know that if human body chemistry changes keeping in mind Birth defects in children, human being’s thoughts, feelings and emotions change at once plus in the womb baby will affect anon 

In shape of faulty production as baby may born with cleft-lip, mentally upset, heart defect, hole in heart, fetal alcohol syndrome, pregnancy infection, enlarged heart, weak legs, sometimes no eyes, no nose and no lips…there are countless defects cannot be written here but defect may be any… I have seen such baby’s birth in my life with my eyes. 

God has created fruits full of minerals and vegetable full of vitamins but some women and some men do not like fruits and some do not like vegetables. The fruits or vegetable someone will eat its mineral level will increase in human body and that we do not take its deficiency will be in human body thus in our body level of minerals and vitamins upset and its result appears in shape of Birth defects in children. 

But nobody pay attention to it. We all must keep in mind, ‘Balance is beauty and balance is health.’ It is a very meaningful phrase, do ponder over it in lone. 

Birth defects in children some people say belong to genetic problem but here lies a serious question, which is the power that interferes in genes system in which is written all life histories of men. Modern research blames Birth defects in children for alcohol and drugs usages. But it is not so according to my research. It is the efficiency of minerals synthesized soul that has power to do so.

Causes of Birth defects in children
Birth defects in children are blamed for alcohol and drug usages it is not right. Some people call it a genetic problem in which is written all histories of men but which is power that interrupt in generic codes. Actually the main causes of, Birth defects in children, is deficiency of copper and zinc. Only zinc has power to read gene theory because zinc works with copper, manganese, magnesium and selenium. It is a special body chemical group. 

More zinc is present in mother’s milk. Those women who never ever feed their children and such women’s issues get no zinc on birth and thus zinc deficiency race proceeds in future looking at such type of race is called Birth defects in children is genetic. 

Zinc and Mother’s Milk
The core cause of birth defects in children is nothing but just zinc deficiency. Keep in mind, in mother’s milk zinc is more but copper is less that is why to leave a good race on earth mothers must feed their children so that their race prosper on earth and be beneficial for other human being and be free from all types of defects. 

Because zinc works with forty enzymes of body and it is zinc that prosper cells of human along with linker-tissues of human body. If it is less in our body first wounds will not heal soon tale a long time and along with it other mineral of human body anon affect as copper, manganese, magnesium and selenium. 

Food Source of Copper Zinc, Manganese and Selenium
All dry fruits, all fruits, all grains, all sea food, animal liver, heart and kidneys

Recommended Medicines for Zinc Deficiency
1. Zincum Mat 30x 5 drops three times in a day
2. Ccuprum 30x 5 drops three times in a day
3. Selenium 30x 5 drops three times in a day
4. Mag Phos 30x 5 drops three times in a day
5. Manganum Aceticum 30x 5 drops three times in a day