By JH Sayyar
Weakness in bones and kidneys occur due to the deficiency of Calcium and Phosphorus in human body. 85% Phosphorus is present in human skeleton and 15% remain in body fluid every time to support the skeleton. Human Skelton stores Calcium and Phosphorus.
Bone disease directly relates to kidney failure due to Vitamin D and parathyroid hormone balance becomes out in our body.

Calcium makes strong bones and Phosphorus makes strong kidneys. If in human body Calcium level will be low it means kidney failure is occurring in body bit by bit. When Phosphorus will be excessive in body it will remove Calcium form blood to maintain other minerals level thus human bones become weak bit by bit.
Vitamin D absorbs Phosphorus in our body and balances Calcium level in our body. Kidneys activate Vitamin and change it into calcitroil and calcitroil absorbs Calcium in kidneys. When kidneys fail to convert Vitamin D into calcitroil it means body is not absorbing Calcium from food. Thus Calcium is borrowed from our bones to regulate body function thus our bones weak day by day.
Cause of Bone Disease and kidney Failure
Both the diseases directly relate to Phosphorus and Calcium deficiency. Phosphorus produces energy for human body to maintain human body life organs motions. The Phosphorus produced energy stays in the muscles. Phosphorus works with Carbohydrate. Phosphorus is heat therefore it produces heat in human blood and builds brain tissues.
Phosphorus deficiency makes bones and kidneys weak in children and adults. Vitamin D is the most important element of Phosphorus and Calcium. Vitamin absorbs Phosphorus in human blood. All cells of our body need Phosphorus because it produces energy for the body cells because our body is build of tiny cells like home if made of bricks. In human body it is the function of Phosphorus to produce energy.
Phosphorus deficiency in human appears in guise of sugar, kidney failure and weakens bones. Phosphorus makes the acids of human body. Acids, RNA and DNA all three make chromosomes and genes for the coming generation. In human body oxygen is spread due to Phosphorus. It is Phosphorus that links hemoglobin with red cells. Kidneys expel more Phosphorus from blood. Beware@ too much spitting causes Phosphorus deficiency. And death may occur.
Food Source of Phosphorus
All dairy products, meat, dry fruits, fish, grains,
Recommended Medicines for Bone Disease and Kidney Failure
1. Arsenic Album 30x 10 drops three times in a day
2. Aurum Metallicum 30x 10 drops three times in a day
3. Cuprum Metallicum 30x 10 drops three times in a day
4. Phosphorus 30x 10 drops three times in a day