Thursday 5 October 2017

6. Thalassemia: Today’s Burning Problem

By JH Sayyar

The Nature of Thalassemia 
Thalassemia is a blood disorder in human body and it stops producing red cell and hemoglobin in human body. In such condition red cells too small to carry oxygen and proteins become in human body. Hemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen from our lungs to disperse it in whole body. Hemoglobin is prepared in our bone marrow with the help of body produced iron taken from food the wee eat. 

Those who suffer from hemoglobin, their bone marrow do not prepare hemoglobin (red cell) and its reaction appears in anemia turns to fatigue. Thus in human body oxygen lessens. Oxygen in human body maintains air pressure in veins and arteries. We may say human puncture like tire and cannot run and stops wheel. Thus body organs damage as heart and liver failure lead to death.

There are two types of Thalassemia: alpha Thalassemia and beta Thalassemia. When be the deficiency of alpha Thalassemia it means human body hemoglobin does not produce alpha protein according to body need. Thus to produce alpha proteins need four genes and two of them every person get from parents if one is missing produces Thalassemia. 

While on the other hand, Beta Thalassemia is lack of two Beta globin genes that we get from our parents. If one of the genes if missing Beta Thalassemia occurs,

Signs of Thalassemia in Human Body
Growth blocking, taking breath difficult, pale skin, jaundice. Hand and feet cold due to lack of heat, poor food,

Cause of Thalassemia 
Its main cause is lack of iron in human body. In fact, iron takes the protein of hemoglobin from blood and iron binds these proteins and thus iron hues it red. 

Iron Process in Human Body
Hemoglobin takes oxygen from lungs carries it to cells with the help of carbon dioxide, thus blood enters into lungs from cells to get oxygen again. Mia globin stores oxygen in muscles with the help of iron. In average human body 5 to 6 grams iron stays. But daily it destroys via pissing and bleeding. 

In all cells of human body iron is present and it rests on hemoglobin because red cells get iron from hemoglobin. If it lacks, skin pale and blood deficiency occurs, its reason is that from them oxygen disappears. 

Our body system affects from iron deficiency and white cells that kiss bacteria and virus prove useless. Vitamin C helps red cells to absorb in body. Keep in mind egg yolk stops iron absorbing on human body. 

Food Source of Iron
Animal liver, heart, kidney, meat, vegetables, fruits, almond, pistachio, nuts, pulses and fish and meat iron absorbs soon than vegetable iron in human body.

Lack of Iron in Human Body
Human brain upsets and brain cells disturb heavily and blood cells fall ill causes Thalassemia in human body. Severe iron deficiency makes chronic constipation. Coffee stops iron absorbing in human body. Vitamin A & B help in absorbing iron in human body because vitamin A stores iron in liver for coming time. 

Recommended Medicines for Thalassemia 
1. Ferrum Metallicum30x
2. Ceanothus 6x
3. Pulsatilla 30x

Ten drops of the mother tincture of either Ceanothus or Pulsatilla, with half cup water twice daily in empty stomach for 3 weeks. After this, one week rest.

The 30th potency of Pulsatilla and Ferrum Met and 6th potency of Ceanothus were used a twice daily for 20 days and after this ten10 days rest. The remedies must repeat in this manner.