Friday 13 October 2017

51. Neurological Disorders Cause and Treatment

According to a scientific research three things make human nervous system: brain, spinal cord and nerves. Thus human nervous system controls all human beings’ spiritual, physical, psychological and all activities belong to mind and wisdom. On the other hand, human speech, thinking and moving all these activities also controlled by nervous system, even our memory and mood both are regulated by nervous system. 

When problem occurs in our nervous system these diseases may catch us easily as epilepsy, Alzeimer disease, stroke, migraine, brain tumor, cerebrovascular disease and neurological disorders. I have read on internet that millions of people are affected by nervous disorder in every country on earth. 

A Point for Consideration
Think for a awhile, two things are free all over the world and are most important for human life: air and water, why? Can anyone answer to this question? Yea! Most of the people will give its answer because it is very easy. My brothers and sister just like these two things are free for us or the gift of God for human being.

Think, like air and water, why did God put 99% calcium in human body? Air and water deficiency in human body leads human beings to death just like calcium deficiency in human body leads men to death as heart attack and neurological disorders,

The Function of Calcium in Human Body
You will wonder listening to this news that 99% calcium is present in human body. Calcium supports the whole human body as teeth, bones, nails and the human structure is made of calcium. The nervous system parts that send messages to human organs are all supported by calcium as a whole. Its severe deficiency leads to neurological disorder. 

Listen! In our bones and teeth calcium stays but it does not live in it permanently although it wastes via our urine and more perspiration as our age increases with the passage of time. 

25% calcium is present in our blood and it is supplied in our blood through our bones. If our bones are weak so our blood calcium level will decrease and thus lead and cadmium will gather in our heart and when the level of calcium will be zero at the same time heart attack occurs because calcium presence in blood expels all types of poison from human heart. 

Calcium deficiency in human body may be neglected at any cast because it the calcium that breaks blood clot in arteries it deficiency makes clot in arteries. It also works with many enzymes of human body. Its group members are boron and phosphorus. Boron collects calcium in bones and phosphorus gives it heat to make liquid to create fire for the softness of human tissues and muscles.

When neutron talks to neutron its conversation is connected by calcium through our nervous system because calcium creates flexibility in all veins and arteries and it is most important for body cells. Heart balance and human muscle system both are maintained by calcium.

Calcium Deficiency Symptoms
It in any body will calcium deficiency will be vomiting and muscles will be tense and while moving will pain because its flexibility is gone due to lack of calcium. Its deficiency makes children weak and bones bend anon very soon bones get fracture. 

Blood pressure increases and thus lead and cadmium gather in heart to award heart attack, the punishment of our negligence. If there is no vitamin d in our body calcium will not dissolve and increasing calcium will make pain in our bones. 

The Main Cause of Neurological Disorder
I have seen old men and women fall prey to neurological disorder due to lack of calcium in bones cannot supply calcium to blood and thus poison roams in arteries with blood and damages human nervous system badly. Keep in mind, healthy bones supply sufficient calcium to blood. 

I request to my readers to take calcium daily so that they could fall prey to neurological disorder in any age. We all must eat such full of calcium to maintain our whole body. 

Calcium Food Source
Raw milk, cooked kale, spinach, okra, sardine, yogurt, soybeans, white beans, broccoli, watercress, almond, salmon, rainbow trout, turnip green, orange juice, butter, rice, meat…

Recommended Medicines
1. Calcium Carbonica 30x

1. Calcium Phosphate 30x

3. Selicia 30x

4. Take one capsule of Centrum Silver Tablet daily after breakfast. 

Take five drops of each bottle and take three times in a day in half glass semi hot water. If the deficiency is severe is take 15 to 20 drops in a day three times.