Tuesday 10 October 2017

45. Suicide Trends Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

Suicide trends mean the act of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally. Why do people commit suicide? It is a mystery for the whole world. But those who research on suicide trends blame psychiatric disorder, drug abuse, mental illness, traumatic brain injury, hopelessness, socio-economic problems, suicide notes and war veterans for suicidal trends. 

There is no age problem in suicide case because every person may commit suicide in any age as the research exposes the mystery. Suicide causes may be different but the real cause becomes the same in every suicide maker, I will discuss the real cause of suicide with arguments in detail in the upcoming paragraph. Research shows that in every country suicidal trends are present more or less. 

Suicide Trends Causes
Now I try to expose the mystery of Suicide trends in plain words for laymen. The seed of good and evil in raw shape is present in human body. These are lurking in genes and are called future human trends. The raw genes have countless traits within it. 

When they are transferred in children through parents they start growing like tree leaves in the social environment and with the passage of time many traits mature and many traits remain in raw shape but mature without their physical demonstration in physical world. When the mature raw shape traits in human body contact with the social atmosphere that be according to its nature the atmosphere tunes the hidden traits of human body good or evil. 

Thus human character builds in society. That is why, it is said character is fate and fate is destiny and destiny lies in genes. 

The same is the case with the people who makes suicide. Those who make suicide in their genes present suicidal trends in raw shape when the same trend frequency outside the human body contact with the same trend hidden in the body the trend charges at once. For example, if a holy man a holy group he finds the same energy spreading around him his soul will be happy. 

If he joins a evil group his soul will be unhappy and he will leave the group because the evil trend cannot charge his energy because their frequency is different. Negative energy charges negative energy and positive energy charges positive energy is a law of nature. That is why, it is said environment leaves its effect and change human beings. 

Those who make suicide within their minds the immature trends present and when they find the same atmosphere they charge their suicidal trends. The same formula is applied those who say truth cannot make lie and those who make lie cannot say truth. 

The same formula is applied for disease; if many germs are spread in the space all cannot fall ill according to law of nature. If you spread TB Germs in atmosphere it will affect the persons who have the same raw germ in body and other persons will not affect it is a solid fact. 

Suicide Trends Process
Man is a puppet between negative and positive trends and these trends are hidden in men’s brain. Both the trends are controlled by supreme reason. When negative trends control completely human brain, first darkness prevails on the reason screen and man becomes blind spiritually and physically and in such condition men make suicide. 

Such people die spiritually and physically before making suicide. It is sure. The recommended medicines have the quality to change the negative trends into positive trends. 

Recommended Medicines for suicide
1. Aurum Met 200x Five drops once in a day
Natrum Sulph 200x Five drops once in a day
3. Psorinum 200x Five drops once in a day
4 Staphisagria 200x Five drops once in a day