Tuesday 10 October 2017

42. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

Chronic respiratory disease in males and females is common in USA and other countries. It is the disease that damages lungs. Falling in this disease the person breaths with difficulty and the lungs cannot inhale oxygen easily for body supply. 

The main function of our lungs is to inhale air for body cells because human body cells cannot work without oxygen. Chronic respiratory disease is also called asthma. The lungs inhale oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. From the lungs red cells get oxygen from the lungs and disperse it in the whole body via blood circulation. When human lungs cannot inhale oxygen it is called chronic respiratory disease or asthma in medical term. 

In asthma bronchial tube becomes red and inflamed and along with it the muscles become tight due to which air cannot move freely in the lungs. Thus breathing becomes difficult. 

Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease Causes
There may be many causes of asthma or chronic lower respiratory disease but selenium and magnesium deficiency is one of the major causes in the lungs trouble. Magnesium is most important for human body. It makes phosphorus ion and sends forward that produces powerful energy for body. 

Calcium level in body is maintained by selenium and human muscles work properly due to magnesium. Its deficiency blocks human breath and sudden death may be. On the other hand selenium is also most important for human body because it expels poison from human body and it maintains human muscles cell health. 

It is selenium that provides energy to every human cell. It works with free oxygen. Selenium deficiency means oxygen deficiency. Its deficiency affects our lungs. 

Selenium and Magnesium Food Sources
All fry fruits, all gains, all vegetables, animal liver, heart and kidneys. 

Recommended Medicines for Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease
1. Anti-amoniatart 200
2. Quebrocho Qx
3. Acalyfa 30x
4. Amylenum Nitrosum 30x