Thursday 5 October 2017

7. The Dying Liver Tissues (Black Jaundice)

By JH Sayyar

An Easy Solution
Liver if found in the right side of our body descending to right kidney and liver is made of soft tissues of pink color covered with connective tissues and liver tissues protect liver from any damage. There are two lobes of liver: right and left. The right lobe is five time larger than the left lobe. 

There is a tube in liver that is called bile duct tube that carries the liquid produced by liver cells to duodenum and small intestines crossing hepatic ducts. Live bile is stores in gallbladder with the help of cystic duct for digestion if needs. 

Liver supplies blood to the whole human body twenty four hours. Thus blood stored in hepatic veins crossing spleen, stomach, gallbladder and intestines. Collecting blood in hepatic veins it delivers it to the liver tissues. From here it spreads through different drains in the whole body. Besides, liver has its own self made system of arteries and arterioles and this live system of liver provides oxygenated blood to its tissues to function properly. 

Liver has 100.000 units to perform its functions is called lobules, surrounded by 6 hepatic portal veins and six and 6 hepatic arteries are called sinusoids. After this each sinusoid crosses liver tissues two main cells kupffer cells and hepatocytes cell. Old blood cells are stored in kupffer cells while hepatocytes cells perform many works of liver as metabolism, storage, digestion and bile production. 

Liver as a Digester
Liver plays an important role in digesting food in our stomach with help of bile is a mixture of water, bile salt, cholesterol, and pigment bilirubin. When we eat fat and it reaches in duodenum, reaching fat in duodenum sends signal to gallbladder through cholecystokinin hormone to release bile to digest fat thus bile breaks down fat into pieces to produce energy for body. 

Liver as a Metabolizer
Liver main function is metabolizing carbohydrate, lipids as useful materials for body in proteins shape

Liver as a Detoxifier
Hepatocytes cells of the liver monitor blood and its contents harmful for heart and human body, finding it in blood it removes all toxic materials from blood to save human life. 

Liver as a Storer
Liver stores vitamins, minerals, vitamin A, E, K, D, B 12, iron, copper, and glucose through hepatic portal system to supply these elements to tissues of the body.. All these storage helps liver to maintain level of blood glucose. 

Liver as a Producer 
Liver produces many important proteins belonging to blood plasma as prothrombin; fibrinogen, albumins, prothrombin and fibrinogen both make blood clots while bleeding to stop bleeding. Albumin proteins maintain water level of body fluid so that it could not waste. 

Liver as an Immune System Maintainer
Liver maintains our body immune system with help of Kupffer cells kill bacteria, fungi, parasites, worn our blood and cellular debris. When a flood of blood crosses hepatic portal veins, so liver permits kupffer cells to clean the blood for body supply. 

Cause of Liver Tissues Death
The main cause of liver tissues death is Selenium deficiency because Selenium draws air via our mouth for its tissues to provide them oxygen for its proper functions in our body. Owing to cellular system of our body affects badly and its cell unity breaks. And thus cellular liquid collects in liver tissues that cause its death. 

Functions of Selenium in Our Body
1. Selenium in our body maintains muscles cell arrangement
2. Selenium maintains our red blood cell unity in body.
3. It makes UNA/RNA process better. 
4. It expels all types of poisonous substance from our body. 
5. It transfers body produced energy from one place to other place in body for proper function. 
6. It makes semen in body.
7. It makes tissues in body.
8. It makes skin, hair and nail tissues in body.
9. It resists bacteria, virus and other poisonous substance in body cells. 
10. It stops inflammation process. 
11. It helps heart pumping.
12. It makes better high blood pressure process accurate.
13. Its main function in body is to maintain oxygen process in our body.
14. It makes cell membranes with the passage of time. 
15. It makes free oxygen united and if any element tries to attack it protects and resists forcefully. 
16. It makes enzymes in body that protect our body from jaundice, any liver disease, blood clots in body, 
17. It makes carbohydrate process better.
18. Red and white cells protection rests on Selenium. 
19. It there is no Selenium in our body our muscles tissues will die very soon. 
20. Female and Male barren (No Child Birth) is due to Selenium deficiency. It stops semen production in human body thus semen cells die.
21. If there is deficiency of Selenium in our body, vitamin F level increases in our body. Thus our pulmonary system affects
22. It deficiency provides less oxygen in our lungs. 

Food Source of Selenium 
All dry fruits, animal liver, heart, kidney, sea food and grains

Recommended Medicines for Dying Liver Tissues
1. Oleum Jacoris 30x 10 drops three times in a day
2. Chelodinium Majos 30x 10 drops three times in a day
3. JUlans Cinerea 30x 10 drops three times in a day
4. Ferrom Phos 3x 10 drops three times in a day
5. Nar Sulph 30x 10 drops three times in a day
Note: Tale together all drops in semi hot water at least three months.