Monday 9 October 2017

33. Wrinkles on Face Causes and Treatment

By JH Sayyar

‘Wrinkles on face’ is enigmas for men how creeks appear on face and make man old. Every creature on earth is beautiful and the creation of God but among all creatures man is more beautiful and perfect carrying five senses that is the sole property of man. 

Man’s prominent position among the beasts is not due to he has the power of fives sense with wrinkles on face, no, not at all, but man has an amazing power of understanding words and word-meanings fully of any language. This quality of man makes man prominent among the whole creatures of earth. Beside man no earthly creature fells she/she is growing old and now his face of full of wrinkles. It is the sole quality of man on earth. 

Now let us discuss what wrinkles are and from where they appear on human face or it is the time prints on man’s pretty face? Actually wrinkles are the lines or folds those appear on face with the passage of time is all right but the wrinkles that makes prominent on human face before time or in young age is a serious problem that mars human face beauty and youth beauty. 

Some people say that wrinkles appearing on face with the passage of time are not correct because wisdom does not lie in wrinkles or in old age, keep in mind, wisdom is the sole property of God and Prophets. It is awarded on birth that God likes. 

On human body wrinkles may appear on face, back of the hands, on the neck and to of forearms. Medical research shows that smoking, light skin, genetic factors and all day hat and long sleeves. There are some professions that cause wrinkles on hands and face as the profession of fisherman, farmers, sailors, golfers, gardeners and the professional who work in the light of ultraviolet light. 

Causes of Wrinkles on Face (Fluorine Deficiency)
The main cause of wrinkles on human face is the deficiency of fluorine in human body and nothing else. But people do not pay attention its deficiency nor does any doctor remind it of the patients who come for wrinkles treatment. 

Fluorine is found in the deep water that is taken out of the depth of the earth. It more useful for teeth and bones and its deficiency makes skin acnes and bones become weak. It is fluorine that fills tooth-gap and makes coat of animal on our teeth. The fracture of bones becomes due to its sole deficiency in human body. Its deficiency may be stopped by using vitamin D by carbonate. 

Keep in mind, our spit consists of water, mucus and proteins, besides, in it different salts and mylace. Fluorine glands are hidden in our cheeks, lips, tongue and pallets. When we eat food these glands release more spit to facilitate the chewed foods. 

Fluorine stays in our body for a long time especially in our bones. If Fluorine level increases in our body makes bone pain, joint pain, white spots on teeth, increasing cancer, making knots on bones, wrinkles on face, looks old in young age and on the skin appears hard spots. 

Fluorine Food Source
Tea, deep earth water, carrot, turnips, sun flower, ginger, spinach, vegetables and nuts

Recommended Medicines for Wrinkle
1. Chrysorabinum 30x Five drops three times in a day
2. Dulcamaria 30x Five drops three times in a day
3. Euginoa Jambos 30x Five drops three times in a day
4. Juglans Regia 30x Five drops three times in a day